
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Angkor Tour Day 2

(2/19/11) Again we are off to see the wonders of Cambodia. We started out a little later (5:00am) this morning. We are going to visit Banteay Srei this morning. The most intricately decorated temple of them all. They say its the jewel in the crown of the Angkorian art. It's a Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva. It's cut from a pinkish sandstone and includes some of the finest carvings seen anywhere on earth. Banteay Srei is a 45 min drive from the hotel and worth the trip. It was by far our favorite temple. Next we went to Banteay Samre. This temple dates from the time of Angkor Wat, built by king Suryavarman II. The last temple for the morning was Pre Rup. It was thought to be a royal crematory. On the way back to the hotel we stopped in a silver store and went crazy. We purchased 2 large bronze statues of Apsara a Hindu God and 2 small statues of Buddha. We arrived back at the hotel for lunch and relaxation till 3:00 pm.

Sunrise at Banteay Srei
Banteay Srei temple inner courtyard
Banteay Srei temple carvings
Banteay Samre temple entrance
Pre Rup Temple looking up from a crematory to the main towers

Back out for the grand finale, Angkor Wat. The one temple we have been waiting for. This is listed in the book "1000 things to see before you die" along with the hotel we are staying at. Angkor Wat Temple complex was built from 1112 - 1152 by the king Suryavarman II to honour the Hindu god Vishnu and to be a mausoleum for himself. the temple is surrounded by a 190m wide moat and is 1.5km by 1.3km. The size of this place is mind blowing! The outer walls of the temple is completely covered by carvings telling various stories stretching out for a total of 1km. That's a lot of carvings! There are 3 levels in this temple. The third level is still used today making this the largest buddist temple in the world. at the top on the third level there are 4 chambers with statues of Buddha's.

Outer causway acress the moat to the gate wall of Angkor Wat
Inner causway to the main Angkor Wat temple complex
Base of the Third level in Angkor Wat
Carvings on the walls of Angkor Wat

Main Steps up to the third level of Angkor Wat
View from the third level to the second level Court yard of Angkor Wat
The small building is one of the 4 libraries.
Close up of carvings at Angkor Wat


  1. The temples are truly beautiful. Such awesome carvings in them. Love the picture of the sunrise too. Must be awesome to see real buddhas. I've got a set of little ones, but have never had any luck from them, so maybe I'd better just stick to rubbing Jay's belly ;)So glad that you guys are having such a wonderful time. You've taken great pictures. Thanks for sharing xxx

  2. Awesome full day. Great pics. Wanda
