
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another Relaxing Day in Phuket

(2/23/11) This morning CJ went for a long walk along the beach. Unfortunately I slept in and missed it. She said it was lovely. I needed the rest since I have been fighting a sore throat for 7 days now. It's been under control with Advil but yesterday when we were out all day I didn't bring any Advil with me and by the time I got home I was in agony. So we went by the front desk and asked to see a nurse. She came by the room this morning and checked on my condition. She said that I should see a doctor. The doctor comes by the hotel for 1 hour each day from a local hospital. He will be here at 3:00 PM. In the mean time we went to the pool and lounged around, had a few cocktails, went to lunch. At 3:00 PM the doctor arrived and checked me out and said I had a sinus infection along with tonsillitis so he gave me antibiotics and other misc pills to help me get over this thing. Anyway he said that I should start to feel better in 2 to 3 days. After the doctor left we went to the bar for a cocktail and to watch the fire ceremony again. This one was much better they didn't get rained out. however the same guy that was doing the fire dance dropped his fire torch in the water and had to leave the pool. Anyway it's time to eat at Ginja's today for authentic Thai food. We had a set meal that included wine pairing. It was wonderful but too much food we both left food on the table. That's rare for me! After the meal we went back to our room and went to bed. Tomorrow will be a long day.

The nurse telling me that I need to see the doctor
Our maid created a towel animal every day
Sunset over the reflecting pool
Eating dinner at Ginja's
Ginja set meal
Ginja's set meal
If you like it hot add these peppers

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