
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shopping Shopping Shopping

2/16/11) Today was a easy day of shopping. first we went to a local market just to wonder around looking at all the little booths and tents of crafts, day to day products, clothing and food. The food there looked wonderful and smelled delicious! After the local market we went to MBK which is a giant shopping center about 8 floors of all sorts of things. If it's not here you cant get it! We went to the 6th floor which was all local crafts picked up some souvenirs and gift for our friends and met Russ at DST and went to lunch at a small restaurant called Chapter 31. This little hole in the wall was some of the best Thai food we have had white we have been in Bangkok! It's right down the street from DST and Russ goes there 2 to 3 times a week. He is their best customer. When they want to introduce a new item on the menu they first pass it by Russ before they decide to use it. We tried an apple pie while we were there for that same reason. After lunch we went back to the condo and relaxed for a few hours waiting for Russ to return home from work. Had a glass of wine and ventured out for dinner. We went to the Shangri la hotel and I had Pad Thai. I have had Pad Thai 4 times since I have been here and the best Pad Thai that I have had was from Chapter 31. We took the train back to the condo and crashed for the night. This was our last day in Bangkok we have had a wonderful time thanks to our wonderful hosts Russ and Judy. They have been incredible! Taking time out of their busy schedule to entertain us while we were here is very much appreciated. They have made our time here unforgettable.
Bangkok local market

Boat on the River

1 comment:

  1. We're glad that you had such a great time in Thailand. I love those kinds of local much better than shopping in xxxWalmart ;) and the boats on the river look very pretty, with the lights and now onto your next stop, Cambodia. Take care, be safe and we'll be watching for your next posts. xxx
