
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Touristy Stuff

(2/15/11) Today we visited the Royal Palace which was absolutely spectacular! It was at one time the residence of the royal family however it's now a tourist attraction. Right out side the palace is the Parliament building which is still being used today. The palace is the home of the emerald Buddha which is the most revered Buddha in Thailand. It's actually made of a solid piece of Jasper but it's green and when it was discovered in the 5th century they thought it was made of emeralds. The temple complex is so incredibly ornate. We also visited Wat (Temple) Po, this temple has the reclining Buddha. It's absolutely huge!  There was no way to get a good picture of it because it was so large. After that we went to a restaurant called "the Deck" it's built on the Chao Phraya river. The restaurant has a fantastic view of the Wat Arun. After that we went to the Jim Thompson House. This house was owned by an American that came over to Thailand in 1945 and he revitalized the silk trade here in Thailand.He worked as an CIA agent during the war and one day he was visiting some friends and he went for a walk in the jungle and never came back. They all think he was kidnapped or murdered but I think he went into the jungle and got eaten by a tiger or something. But they said they never found a body. Any way that's the story. After the Thompson house we went and got a foot massage. Wow it's so relaxing it almost make you fall asleep. After the massage we headed over to a bar to wait for Russ it was called Cheap Charlies. It was very interesting. For dinner we went to Charley Browns a Mexican restaurant. Yes I said Mexican, it was very good we all had a few margaritas. This restaurant is one that Russ and Judy go to frequently. Next we finished the night at the Australian Bar. They had live music. It was a fun night.

Building at the Royal Palace

CJ at the Royal Palace


Having fun at Cheap Charlies


  1. It has been so cool having you visit our lovely, chaotic, exhausting, interesting (wink-wink!) city. Don't leave!!!!

  2. OK I see some similar traits in videography technique!! Very good addition to the blog. And I am not sure I believe half of the facts and dates, but that's half the fun. Sitting at the TO airport at the moment, trip to Quebec City. Say 'Hi' to Russ and Judy for us.

  3. WOW! The palace is so beautiful and the video was a good touch. The foot massage sounds heavenly, you'll have to get tips and pass them onto Jay so my feet can get some TLC one of these days. Look forward to seeing more of your blog. Take care both of you, and have loads of fun! xxx
